Adam, dad of Duke and Stryker, age 1 and 3, Ontario
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Patricia, age 11, British Columbia
OyukaNorthwest Territories
Thea and Joslyn (mom), age 23 mos, British Columbia
Verhaeghe Family, age 19 mos and 3 mos, Northwest Territories
Connor, age 6, Ontario
Kian, age 8, Ontario
Leo, age 3, British Columbia
Mijael, age 3, British Columbia
Kalea, age 5, Ontario
« Avez-vous fait l’école en ligne? »
James, age 3, Ontario
Henry, age 4, Ontario
Adam, age 6, British Columbia
Elizabeth, age 5, Ontario
Ashley, mom of Caleb, age 3, Alberta
Eizabeth and James, age 5 and 7, Ontario
Pauline, mom of Charlotte, age 3, Alberta
Burke, age 12, Ontario
Taras and Lilia, dad and mom of Marko, age 3, Alberta
Janine, mom of Stella, age 2, Alberta